Sunday, November 28, 2010


Where does the time go?

I know I should post more.  I don't know why it's so hard...  ok so I have a full time job.  I'm a single parent too, and I have the world's most high maintenance, crazy dog.  I have a house that is too big for me (it's not really large but just too much house for me) and a manicured acre and a half which I take care of on my own (including cutting the lawn), I have a senior citizen mom to check up on and family, friends, errands, and now I have found out that I have such a bad back (herniated discs) that I'm now committed to hours and hours of physical therapy.  Did I mention I love to hike and take pictures.   I need a 35 hour day.

But I do take a lot of pictures and some of them are pretty good.  Almost all of them are taken on Cape Cod, so I'm going to be including  them here more often to stand in as "posts".  

The pictures below were taken out on the tip of Long Beach on Friday late afternoon.  My sister in law Cathy was one of my family members visiting for the holiday (she is actually my ex sister in law but that sounds awful, I consider her a sister).  And like me, she loves to walk and since I have that crazy dog mentioned above, who needs a minimum of 3 miles a day of serious walking, I love when Cathy comes to visit because the dog gets so worn out.  3 miles is just a warm up for Cathy and she walks fast.

We parked in the Craigville Beach parking lot and for those of you that don't know Long Beach.. you just get on Craigville Beach and head west.  The very tip is about a 1.5 mile hike west and when you are there you can see Dowses Beach in Osterville.  The view out there is awesome.  There are usually other walkers, many of them have dogs, and many of those dogs are off leash (mine isn't).  So if you're not a dog lover - beware.  

Just before the end of the hike is the shell tree.  It was in the Cape Cod Times a few weeks ago, you are supposed to hang a shell on it and we did.  The other pix is just after we started back, it was about 4 pm and it was one of those gorgeous sunsets... pink, orange, blue with big dark angry clouds.  I took both pictures with my iPhone.  Enjoy!  (I think if you click on the pictures you will see them in a larger size!)

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